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September 2023  |  Cambridge, UK


We spent 3 thrilling days in Cambridge University brainstorming this project.  We talked about the potential of the project as a whole and what we would like to see it do in the world.  Each person also talked about their individual field sites, and we discovered a bunch of common themes and areas of shared interest. 

Praxis of Coexistence
Kick-Off Meeting

June 2024  |  Marseille, France


Together with the Wenner Gren Foundation and Iméra, of Aix Marseille University, we hosted our first workshop with 12 anthropologists from around the world to explore the “public sphere” in what are today the edges of Europe (inclusive of what in other places and times have been called the Mediterranean, Southern

Europe, Anatolia, North Africa, the Levant, the Balkans, Al-Andalus). How is the “demos” defined and conceptualized? How has public reason been shaped at the intersection of imperial and colonial histories? What is the role of cultural traditions in the discursive and material arrangements of public life in these societies? 

Public Reason on the Edges of Europe Workshop

March 2024  |  London, UK


We had our second ever face-to-face meeting as a group.  Many of the research group had already made preliminary trips to their field sites to explore themes and emerging patterns of everyday coexistence.  We're brainstorming and putting together our ongoing bibliography for this project, drawing on each researcher's knowledge and experience.

Praxis of Coexistence
In-Person Meeting

June 2024  |  London, UK


Research team members Erica Weiss and Sami Everett presented their preliminary project data at the   'Encounters of Difference' conference at UCL, hosted by the ERC-funded project ‘Multi-Religious Encounters in Urban Settings’ (MEUS).  Thanks to our hosts Leslie Fesenmyer, Giulia Liberatore, and Ammara Maqsood.

Encounters of Difference Conference

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